architecture-interior design ENG / RU

Lamp Telescope  Article on the portal 4living  Article on the portal 4living Article about our project "Terrace-runway"  Published in catalog Design FOR 2015  Article in CH №5 “Design speaks Russian” Publication in the journal ZHUANGSHI 20.10.2014  Interview for the portal DIZBOOK  Article about "Dachnyy avangard " RUB DESIGN BOOK  Magazine OnOffice 5/2011  the icon product yearbook 2009 Magazine Onoffice 5/2009 Magazine Icon 4/2009 Magazine Onoffice 4/2009 Magazine 100% OFFICE 6/2008 Magazine Onoffice 2/2009 Magazine Icon 2/2009  Magazine «100%office» 5/2008 Magazine " Design and manufacture of furniture " 4/2007 officeinsight 11.6.06 Magazine " Design and manufacture of furniture " №1 2007 Magazine "  "100% Offise" 6/2006  Interior + design the appendix 100 % оffice  5/2006 Magazine "Salon" (Ukraine) Interior + design the appendix 100 % оffice  4/2006 Magazine " Design and manufacture of furniture " №3 2006  The newspaper Financial Times Interior + design the 9/2005 Created in Russia Industrial design Arhidom 1/2001

Article on the portal 4living

The founders of the bureau GN on how to renovate the interior of the spring

Link to article